Projector Lamp Bulbs

If you'd like to discuss how we can help you achieve your online goals, please get in touch:
t: 0161 881 9711
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The Brief
Projector Lamps do what the company name suggest and sell replacement projector lamps and bulbs. We started by coming up with a name for the company based on Google keyword popularity and managed to match a domain name and branding to a popular search term. Alongside the website domain we also came up with an eye catching logo for the website,
The data for the site comes direct from their suppliers so they also wanted us to create a script that would poll the suppliers database and import any new products as well as adjust the prices as the supplier prices change.
What We Did
We started with the import script developing a custom script that would import the supplier data and format it into the websites format. To make it easy for the client we also populated all the primary fields minimising the amount of work they would have to do to make a product live.
An open source ecommerce module would not have been able to import the external data without a substantial investment in customisation so the site was developed using the Webphoria bespoke built ecommerce module with all the custom features we build into all our ecommerce sites.
The End Result
A contemporary and simple to use website with all the ecommerce features of a site costing 3 times as much. The site made its first sale within days of going live!